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The 10-point Logicism plan would extinguish the fortunes & control of those who possess extreme wealth & stop their environmental destruction. The majority of people would then experience a new sense of creativity & ease. Central governance would establish with the new purpose of structuring a system that may benefit all people equally in the provision of a comfortable existence, whilst extending opportunity for the attainment of fair individual wealth & success. Stimulating the opportunity for citizens to create & meaningfully contribute through legislative changes that would eliminate the reality of ‘struggle’ from the equation of survival.



[ Energy & natural resources, banking, public transport, telecommunications ]


Based on the Magna Carta law of ‘Protecting the Commons’, the private ownership of the common assets & resources would be eliminated simply by restructuring share registries to record the state as the new owner. The daily operations of these companies would continue undisturbed, with the profit to be realized for the common benefit of all people.




The profit from basic energy, natural resource, banking, public transport & telecommunication industries, generate sufficient wealth to finance the health, education & community services to be free of charge for all living people & free of administrative complexity. State ownership of these resources, whilst maintaining the efficiency of private management structures could & should finance the public & communities needs for free. This is a logical operating equation for a fair society.




Declare the countries debt as unethically contracted under corrupt governance, based on similar cases of USA vs. Italy for a debt owned by Iraq to Italy before US gained control through war; & Venezuela vs. USA for the Venezuelan debt to the US. Citizens will no longer be required to work to pay taxes to service debt & interest to the worlds wealthiest individuals structured as anonymous loan owners & the world’s invisible kings & queens collecting our taxes would evaporate. A free & abundant people, is more important than a few protecting their position of extreme wealth.




With the common resources paying for free healthcare, education & services & the foreign debt annulled, then a tax system for individuals & small business will no longer be required. Any large companies operating above certain levels of profit, could still be required to pay taxes to enhance the society of the country but the general population would be once again free as we’re naturally born.




Utilize trade barriers to prohibit cheap commodity imports & protect local people’s opportunity to competitively design & make quality products & services locally. Design a self-sufficient society of flourishing, creative communities that value quality & craft by local artisans & inventors. Capture the wealth of a community for continual exchange between locally trading stakeholders, by limiting global imports to that of essential or unique international value, including food, natural resources, quality creative expression or design, health & wellbeing. The measure of a successful society is no longer that of GDP but rather of happiness, ease & thriving culture with opportunity for local people.




Decentralize & deregulate currencies & trading groups so that people may agree to exchange value between themselves in multiple ways by utilizing systems, which they choose to trust, including the sophisticated online management of an independent national currency or multiple variations of this. Stop the allegiance to an international financial system, which is being operated by those presiding over wars, environmental destruction, media manipulation, toxic agriculture systems creating ill health, general oppression & currencies controlled by a system too privatized to understand.




Equal opportunity to access money for personal or professional development is created for each individual, through the right to borrow a multiple of their money saved & held on deposit from a central administration (for example a multiple of 5 times applied to a saved sum of 100, equates to allow a loan of 500). This encourages a culture of savings & it generates interest bearing individual & business bank loans & interest bearing home & building mortgages, for the profit of a countries central administration. This system utilizes the fractional reserve banking system for the benefit of each individual citizen, rather than profiting private bank owners. This system will generate enough profit for each living individual to access to a weekly sum of cash (e.g. 400 euro in France) that provides enough to afford the basic costs of existence, without a struggle to survive; including basic food, housing, energy & telecommunications; with no person deemed illegal & ineligible; & this would eliminate the homeless on the street.


ACCEPTANCE THAT PRODUCTIVITY IS NOT THE PURPOSE OF ONES EXISTENCE. This financial system will eliminate the necessity of productivity from the human experience & simultaneously stimulate entrepreneurial opportunity to build & develop the economy. This adjustment of expectations surrounding existence, recognizes that some people are motivated to create & contribute to life through productive execution & others are inspired to express within the realms of human connection, creativity or perhaps simply observation. Each existence should be dually possible without monetary & survival stress.




Legislate that no company may profit from destroying the environment, creating environmental pollution, harming human life, human health, human freedom or societies stability. This includes legislation that renders defense companies no longer able to profit from the death & destruction of war. War is declared illegal & those who’ve profited from it within your country, are prosecuted by for complicity in genocide. The corporate industrial developments & operations, which contaminate fresh water & eco-systems are no longer allowed to realize profit. Pharmaceutical companies who profit from sickness & ill health, lose their incentive to prolong compromised health & instead scientists are directly financed & rewarded for discovering fast, effective & complete cures. Private prisons no longer profit from the incarceration of individuals, encouraging a corrupt policing & judicial system & all natural plants are deem legal, eliminating the gross injustice of majuana related incarcerations. Fertilizer companies are no longer permitted to sell toxic pesticides & chemicals for the food system, which transpire to ill health. Future developments within these industries are limited to that which is ethical, sustainable, essential, non-profit & for the common good.


IMMEDIATELY DISCLOSE CORPORATE OWNERS INDIVIDUAL IDENTITIES. Eliminate the law that allows identity protection for shareholders benefiting from the largest international corporations, allowing their escape from responsibility in causing climate change, violating human rights, environmental destruction & the harm to animals, from which they profit. Transparency demands honor & we want to know which individuals own the banks, energy companies, etc. Clearly identified individuals held responsible for their choices, will inspire integrity within their intent. Owners of shares & companies, which profit from the public will be transparent & on public record with their individual names.




To protect nature’s environmental balance, protect human rights violations & stop climate change, a 5 years transition of clean energy & sustainable agriculture would be planned, legislated & forced, regardless of the current investor preference for cheaper & more profitable solutions that cause the harm. Farmers will begin an immediate adaptation to organic, sustainable farming methods, with a financial incentive system, to make the change such as the strategy featured at . A plan to completely replace the use of dirty energy would enable a clean energy transition to stop the fuel pollution of the sea & marine food system; & to stop the air pollution, in addition to the harm to the earths core caused in the process of energy harvesting  & eliminating the risks of environmental disasters such as oil & nuclear spills into the sea. Such possibilities include strategies like to achieve this change affordably & quickly.


HALT THE ENVIRONMENTAL IGNORANCE. Ending the intent to harvest all minerals & natural resources from the earth until they are eliminated for future generations; with the intelligence to realize the environmental imbalance this will cause for the earth as a living organism, which requires it’s nutrients to maintain health. Our intention should be to preserve all remaining undisturbed natural environments from further development. The Victory Amazon campaign profiles a law this makes this possible,  This will end the era of large construction & energy companies & decentralize control to new energy technologies, which can eliminate environmental harm & refocus investment toward the possible & current available solutions, to eliminate the need for oil, coal, nuclear, gas & hydro.




• AGRICULTURE ORGANIC. The culture of small farmers is necessary for best quality food produce & empowered independent communities. Large company ownership of agriculture & seed companies is prohibited to protect distribution of control over a reliable food supply.


• MEDIA TRUTH. The independence of media entities is essential to maintain a perspective of truth. Journalists & media entities should be licensed, requiring that they present the truth or lose their license if dishonest in their presentation of facts. Media conglomerates & foreign ownership of local media entities will be dispersed to independent, passionate owners.


PROPERTY OWNERSHIP LIMITED. People have equal right to own the properties they live in, work in & personally use but not those which they don't. Everyone has the right to a home without disturbance or loss by servicing rent or a mortgage through the central administration & still allowing private sales to transfer ownership but rentals are no longer allowed for the profit of private landlords. This encourages investment into operating businesses, arts & culture rather than non-essential property ownership. Also for localized trading groups to function with complete self-sufficiency, accommodation is a primary cost for each individual & therefore must be independent of landlord control.


• STOCKMARKET, BOND MARKET, CURRENCY TRADING ELIMINATED. Create a self-sufficient economy that does not require participation in these markets, which facilitate the systematic transfer of wealth from people of moderate means, to the instant fortunes of a few curators. Eliminating these systems stops companies from growing beyond accountability & keeps the opportunity dispersed amongst many; it prevents the anonymity of share & bondholders to avoid responsibility for the actions taken with their money.  Devalued currencies affect entire populations for a magnates wealth play.  Large trading systems are easily corrupted & generally harm the majority population. Until the general population is living in good economic & social health, such systems should be cancelled.


• DECENTRALIZED POWER to CITY STATES. Central Administration distributes budgets to health, education & service directors, who allocate expenditure with public transparency & under local governance; where systems are bespoke & operate independently of homogenization, encouraging innovation within health & education provisions. Logicism change, evolves central government into a communication & innovation platform focused on wisdom, science, knowledge & philosophy, whose purpose is to improve the population’s quality of life. Parliaments become inclusive of engineers, scientists, philosophers, inventors & health practitioners, to accompany the current legal & business representatives so that a broad cross section of life & innovation is considered through a broad range of experience.  May we find leaders who would rather see everyone living with opportunity, harmony, health, peace, freedom & discovering their unique expression of life, in preference to supporting the few individuals who covet all the wealth & control in the world.

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